Typical Baby Development Milestones

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Here is a quick view of baby development milestones to help you keep track of your son's development. For your convenience, I include a table of milestones your son should be reaching. But do keep in mind that every child develops at his own pace, so try not to stress!

By 3 months

While lying on their tummy: Pushes up on arms. Lifts and holds head up
While lying on their back: Visually tracks a moving toy from side to side. Attempts to reach for a rattle held above their chest. Keeps head in the middle to watch faces or toys

Quiets or smiles in response to sound or voice
Coos or vocalizes other than crying
Turns head toward direction of sound

Sucks and swallows well during feeding
By 6 months

Uses hands to support self in sitting
Rolls from back to tummy
While standing with support, accepts entire weight with legs
Reaches for a nearby toy while on their tummy
While lying on their back: Transfers a toy from one hand to the other. Reaches both hands to play with feet

Begins to use consonant sounds in babbling, e.g. 'dada'
Uses babbling to get attention

Begins to eat cereals and pureed foods
By 9 months

Sits and reaches for toys without falling
Moves from tummy or back into sitting
Creeps on hands and knees with alternate arm and leg movement
Explores and examines an object using both hands
Turns several pages of a chunky (board) book at once
In simple play imitates others

Increases variety of sounds and syllable combinations in babbling
Looks at familiar objects and people when named

Begins to eat junior and mashed table foods
In a high chair, holds and drinks from a bottle
By 12 months

Pulls to stand and cruises along furniture
Stands alone and takes several independent steps
Releases objects into a container with a large opening
Uses thumb and pointer finger to pick up tiny objects

Meaningfully uses 'mama' or 'dada'
Responds to simple commands, e.g. 'come here'
Produces long strings of gibberish (jargoning) in social communication

Begins to use an open cup
Finger feeds self
By 15 months

Walks independently and seldom falls
Squats to pick up toy
Stacks two objects or blocks
Helps with getting undressed

Vocabulary consists of 5-10 words
Imitates new less familiar words
Understands 50 words

Increases variety of coarsely chopped table foods
Holds and drinks from a cup

You want to know more about baby development? Check out our baby boy page!

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